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How to Setup Flutter on Windows?

How to Setup Flutter on Windows?

In this blog, you will learn that how you can Setup Flutter SDK on your Windows Machine.

Here I am adding a video where I had shown the complete installation and also adding Steps which you have to follow to Setup.

Step 1: Go to Flutter Official Installation Page

Step 2: Download the Current SDK of flutter.

Step 3: Extract the SDK and inside the extracted directory you will find flutter directory. Copy that flutter directory and keep that in your C drive.

Step 4: After that, you need to add the path of flutter to the Environment Variable.

Step 5: To add the path in your Environment Variable. Open your Control Panel then go to System and Security and inside that go to System.

Step 6: In left, you will see the advance system settings click on that. then you will get 

click on Environment Variable and then you will get 

I had marked the User variable with the red pen you can see. Select the Path from the list of given User Variable and click on edit (if the path does not exist then skip to step 8)

Step 7: Now you can see that here I had added C:\flutte\bin you also have to add that.

Step 8: If Path Variable does not exist then click on New and add path variable manually

You can see that I had named the variable to 'Path' and path value to 'C:\flutter\bin' .

Step 9: Now go to your Command Prompt and write 'flutter doctor' and you will get the screen like this.

That's it you are done now.
There is one issue the reason is that I had not connected any device and I am getting that issue. 
The issue is completely obvious when I will connect the device and run flutter then you will not get any issue.

If you find difficulties in any step or you find any other error then 
Let me know.
